Remembering the Past 27 January 1945

Watch this video with an interview with a  survivor from  the Holocaust. Write down some notes about it and watch it a second time if you have not understood- check the subtitles.

Be ready to give some information about what you have learnt about  this woman in class.

Listen to this podcast and read the  text of the transcript  if you find some difficulties

Now search online  about   Italy  and the  Holocaust : what did you learn about  the people who were sent to  concentration camps? Were they many or fewer compared to  countries like  Poland and Germany?

You can use this link

Report the information to  your  friends in class.

5 November in British History

Listening and  Viewing  Activity in English


Do this  listening and  viewing activity online.  Did you know about this  event?

Link online:

Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night
Step 1

Watch the video. Try to understand the main meaning of the video.

Step 2

Watch the video a second time and then do the activities and questions about it.

November has just begun

What do you associate to the month of November?

How do you feel?  Now listen to the Song ” November Rain” and watch  the video:

Now  follow the link and read the text of the song

What’s the meaning? Did you  like the video?  What kind of music does the  band play?

Are there any Italian songs  with the title November? Search online and tell your friends about what you have learnt about.


Environment and Pollution : a special mission in the Uk

Have ever thought about a world where everybody is aware of the importance of  global issues and  the environment?

Now check online this interesting   post on Twitter: what do you think of the man who is  cleaning  the beaches?

Now think about your  daily routine : what do you do when you buy  food or anything you need ? Do you  think about the materials  which have been used and which need recycling?    When you are  in a place on holiday, do you  care about the natural landscape and all the living  creatures that live  there?

Now think about the words which are used when we  talk about  the environmnt and pollution.  Which are the first  words that come to your mind?

Check online and  do some  activities :


Write a short article about your ideas  and feelings when you think about the Earth and how human beings are  polluting the natural environment.


Sunday Bloody Sunday: a Song by the U2

Read the text of this famous song by the U2: which words are repeated and why? Have you ever studied about the history of Ireland and the conflict in Northern  Ireland?

Now watch the video and try to understand the song: did you like it? What do you  know about the band of the U2? 


What’s the message of the song? Is there any hope for people whose families were destroyed by violence?

If you  have visited Ireland: have you ever talked with Irish people about  the conflict in the North?



Listening to and watching a song in English : Earth Song by M.Jackson

Search online about  ” Earth Day”: when do  people  celebrate  Earth Day?

Now watch this video and listen to the song by  Michael Jackson: did you know it?

Check the text of the lyrics online :

Do we have similar songs in  Italian?

Write the words related to the topic in your notes and think about how you could re-use them in English.