Studying The Tempest by W.Shakespeare

Watch the video about  the story by W.Shakespeare: think about the meaning of the story.  Is the story based on a real story? If not, what do you learn about the world of the dramatist?


What do you learn about the relationship between  Caliban and Prospero? Who is bad?  Why?

Search online  and find more information about   Shakespeare and his plays

The Globe  Theatre



April is also……………..Poetry Month

Stay, passenger, take notice Harry McGregor via Compfight byronv2 via Compfight



The event started many years ago in the USA and then it became  an important month to  help people think about the  importance of reading poetry.

More information can be found on the website

Now try to read some poems which you have studied in class and reflect on the deeper meaning and the language used:  what makes them so important for having readers also today?


Have you ever tried creating your own poem ? What inspired you? Why?

You might choose an image and then get inspired and write some lines. You will become  a great poet!




Passive Voice : exercises and homework

Check the video online, it will deal with the way we work on the Passive Voice:

Check the way we can form the passive voice, you have already been given the main structure of the passive voice:
subject+ verb to be in the tense of the active form+ past participle

Passive Voice with the Double Object

Look at this sentence: 

She sent me the book

This sentence can be turned into two passive sentences:

1)The  book was sent to me by her

2) I was  sent the book by her

Watch the  video which deals with verbs with two objects : think carefully when you  work on a sentence and you are asked to turn it into the passive voice. You will have two choices.


Exercises online

You can have access to plenty of exercises online here:

Exercises online with answers :

The Passive Test B1 Grammar Exercises

Active and Passive Voice Exercise With Answers

Advanced level

Passive Voice Test Exercises – Multiple Choice Questions With Answers – Advanced Level 25


  • Revise all the irregular verbs which we have studied and do the exercises
  • Now turn these sentences into the right form of the  passive  voice: pay attention to the tenses
  1. Sheila was revising the task when the bell rang
  2. They were painting  some portraits at 7 Yesterday
  3. Tom must sign the document by  7 o’clock
  4. Lucy didn’t sell the book Yesterday
  5. I will post the  letter later
  6. Alice has  just corrected my task
  7. Can you   clean the room tonight?
  8. They shouldn’t see  their  friends  in town
  9. Maria had chosen the flight to Rome
  10. Did they cook the lunch for you?
  11. They ‘re going to publish a new book next  year

Translations from Italian into English

  1. Il ragazzo è appena stato  visto alla stazione
  2. Non saranno  lette le lettere di Sara oggi
  3. Lucy non sarà invitata alla mia  festa
  4. Camilla  e sua  sorella erano stati rimproverati dai loro genitori perché avevano marinato la scuola
  5. Susanna non aveva letto il libro perché  non le era  stato dato dalla professoressa di inglese
  6. Questa  stanza deve  essere riordinata: tutto è in disordine!
  7. Proprio ora  mia  sorella è intervistata
  8. Questo romanzo fu pubblicato due anni  fa  da  J.K.Rowling
  9. Sono state lette solo 14 pagine: il libro  non sarà letto da tutti i ragazzi  poiché è molto difficile
  10. E’ già stato corretto il test di Michele?

Climate Change

Some days ago students from all over the  world protested as they were worried about the issue of  Climate Change. All over the  world biodiversity is at risk and  human  beings  are suffering because of climate change and pollution.

I think that everybody should become aware of  the way we live and what damages we can cause by continuing using plastic and putting wildlife at risk. Climate change depends on our way of living, on our mobility in towns and cities and also  on what we produce and buy.

Sometimes we  should stop buying  things we do not need but we  continue buying what is really dangerous for the environment and also our health.

Check this post from Twitter and read the document online: it is about the coral reefs and their decline.


Watch this interesting document online : reflect on what is being said.

What can we do  to change our way of thinking and start working to save the planet?